When I did the work for CSC, I boned up on these issues because I knew absolutely nothing. I actually read all of this so that I could put together a working change control process for the IT environment. Really. I could have simply made the guess without reading and would have produced the same process. But this was pretty fun.
- Goodstein, Leonard D. and Howard E. Butz, Jr. (1998). “Customer value: The linchpin of organizational change”. Organizational Dynamics,
- Pfeffer, Jeffrey (1996). “When it comes to ‘best practices’ — why do smart organizations occassionally do dumb things?”. Organizational Dynamics, 25(Summer 1996): 33-44. Pfeffer also wrote The Knowing-Doing Gap: How Smart Companies Turn Knowledge into Action with Robert I. Sutton, who has a related popular press article on best practices at CIO Insight.
- Bach, James (1994). “Process evolution in a mad world“. Software Quality Week but now available online at Bach’s website, www.satisfice.com, which has a load of goodies on “good enough” development.
- Butz, Howard E. Jr. and Leonard D. Goodstein (1996). “Measuring customer value: Gaining the strategic advantage”. Organizational Dynamics, 24(3): 63-76.
- Dixon, Nancy M. and Jonathan Ungerleider (1998). Lessons learned. Report from the Center for Business Innovation, Ernst & Young LLP and George Washington University.
- Kleiner, Art (2003) . “Are you in with the in crowd?”. Harvard Business Review, July 2003: 86-92. I have no idea how this appeared on the pile but there it is. Before you buy his book (and the thesis is compelling) read the article. He also has lots of stuff over at www.artkleiner.com.
- Cohen, Harlow (1998). “The performance paradox (improvement of corporate performance)”. Academy of Management Executive, 12(3): 30-40.
- Orville, Douglas D. (1998). “Process action teams: From ‘black holes’ to ‘shining stars'”. CROSSTALK: The journal of Defense Software Engineering, February 1998: 18-21.
- Wastell, David G.; P. White; and Peter Kawalek (1994). “A methodology for business process redesign: Experiences and issues”. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 3(1): 23-40. It’s BPR methodolgy from the Informatics Process Group, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Manchester.
- Kawalek, Peter (1991). The Process Modelling Cookbook: Version 1. Report from the University of Manchester and British Telecommunications plc, Manchester, UK. I’m not sure that this is all that relevant any longer.
- Yu, Eric S.K. and John Mylopoulos (). “Using goals, rules, and methods to support reasoning in business process reengineering”. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Hawaii, January 1994, Vol. 4:. 234-243.
- De Long, David (1997). Building the Knowledge-Based Organization: How Culture Drives Knowledge Behaviors. Report published by the Center for Business Innovation, Ernst & Young LLP. The report is now a book. This little gem ranks with Jaques’s work in changing how I think. Once I read it, it was obvious, like all great mindshifts. Excellent ideas.