New Webinar: “Why You Hate Your Church”

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Why You Hate Your Church. Sunday, 2009 April 19 at 8pm CDT / Chicago time A good percentage of readers of Requisite Writing are Christians of one sort of another, and a common complaint from them has been about how they feel alienated at church like the feel alienated at work. “It’s all well and good to say ‘find somewhere …

Secret Rules of Career Success seminar series

Forrest ChristianCareers, Events Leave a Comment

For the past few weeks I’ve been telling you that I am developing a new program to help Hidden High Potentials discover who they are and find fulfilling work and lives. I’m proud to announce the first part of that program, The Secret Rules for Career Success. Because you are reading Requisite Writings right now, I want to give you …

Global Organization Design Conference 2007: highly recommened

Forrest ChristianEvents, Managing, Organizations, Strategy, Theory Leave a Comment

The bi-annual Global Organization Design Conference is coming up in Toronto, July 16-19. Subtitled “Designing Organizations for Value-Creation, Sustainability, and Social Well-Being”, the conference proved to be of value to me two years ago. The bullshit level is amazingly low for conference. People are there who are using the theory in their own organizations, from large multinationals to entrepreneurial operations …

How To Do a Conference Right For Executives And Consultants Both

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One of the potential problems that the GO Society faced in their recent conference in Toronto was how to mix three disparate groups: consultants, who are always trying to convince someone to pay them money; academics, who would like to get someone to pay them money which they will then squander on research; and business people who have to use …

Global RO Conference: First Report

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So, I am attending the Global Org Design Conference in Toronto, Ontario this week. It’s a working conference: I’m filming the sessions. Something that can actually get quite tiring. Right now I’m beat after just two days of filming. Harder than I recalled. There are some wonderful people here. I finally met Barry and Sheila Deane from Australia. Barry and …

New PeopleFit Class

Forrest ChristianCareers, Events, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

For those who are interested in RO but know little, here is a great introductory course led by Glenn Mehltretter and Michelle Carter of PeopleFit. I’ve gone to one of their classes before and it was one of the best training classes I’ve ever attended. It even rivaled my own, which is high praise coming from such a fathead as …

Bubbles atop freshly brewed coffee in a french press. (c) Salimfadhley (CC BY SA 3.0)

PeopleFit’s Course on “Assessing Raw Talent”

Forrest ChristianEvents, Theory 1 Comment

So, I returned from the PeopleFit course on how to assess raw talent through CIP evaluations. Wow. What a great class. Hands down the best course that I have ever attended. I’ll be unpacking the various things I learned, including how much I got from the other people in the class over the next few days. There are several things, …