Them that’s got and them that’s not: Today’s employment

Forrest ChristianOverachievers 1 Comment

Them that’s got shall get Them that’s not shall lose So the Bible said and it still is news “Broader Measure of U.S. Unemployment Stands at 17.5%” The New York Times reports today on the situation of unemployment in the United States. The numbers, which I have been mentioning, differ from the standard ones issued by the government because they …

Strong Pastor vs. Democracy in Christian Church Groups

Forrest ChristianOverachievers 1 Comment

The church growth industry has led to the highly effective Mega-church model in the United States but has embraced the (actually) new model of Strong Pastor which has led to absolutist authoritarian leadership within the evangelical church growth movement. An examination by focusing on the Christian Base Communities in the Roman Catholic Church in Latin America. Part of a series on Church Organizational Structure and Democracy.

Celebrate Freedom with the World's Largest Democracy

Forrest ChristianOverachievers Leave a Comment

With all my thinking about democracy and its underpinnings, it totally slipped my mind that the 60th Republic Day was approaching. It is worth celebrating any democracy’s robust survival. This Republic Day is especially important, following as it does terrorist attacks of last November. India, like its friend the United States, has many problems. Fortunately, many of the worst problems …

One of the pastors of the Free-Will Baptist Church preaches to his congregation. Wheelwright Junction, Floyd County, Kentucky. 1946. By Russell Lee. NARA

The Rise of the Great Leader in Evangelicalism Threatens American Democracy

Forrest ChristianOverachievers Leave a Comment

It was Wilfred Brown’s understanding of power and authority that made me consider again one of the things that I find most frightening about current trends in American Protestantism. American religious life differs in many ways from that in other Western countries. For one, while attendance is in decline, it’s not nearly as precipitous as in Europe. Religion still matters, …

Tools: Express Scribe Transcription Playback Software

Forrest ChristianOverachievers 1 Comment

NCH’s Express Scribe Transcription Playback Software is digital transcription software that plays the audio file back while you type, at varying speeds. The speed thing is the trick: I’ve not seen a lot of software that does this. This is barebones software but it is available free for Windows, Mac and Linux. Even though there are problems on Mac (I …

An Ancient Story About the Value of Hidden High Potentials

Forrest ChristianCareers, Overachievers, Underachievers Leave a Comment

This is a followup to my earlier post (“Transitions Are Like Being Lost In The Pacific“) on high potentials and the number of transitions they go through in life, and how that increases their risk for massive failures. Here’s a story about a high potential who screwed up and failed completely.

Ah, yes. We come to your typical remark from a pragmatist CEO of a mid-sized firm. Although this cigar-chomping associate is a caricature in walking flesh, the opinion is shared by others. Lots of others. I can go into the psycho-sociological explanation for these opinions but instead, let me tell you a story from another land (I live in the U.S.) that I first heard years ago. It shows why I believe in hidden high potentials (HHPs), and although the story is somewhat dated, it shows what happens to HHPs even today.

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there were two types of people living in the same country. One dominated the economic, social and political life. It’s fair to say that they ran everything. The other type of people were a different ethnicity. Like many minorities before and since, during hard times they found themselves getting the shaft from the ruling ethnic group. But they persevered. Let’s call the ruling ethnic group “Greens” and the oppressed minority, “Blues”.

Now the Greens ran a country that was the envy of the entire world. All the nations acknowledged their power. Indeed, the land of the Greens was mighty and all their neighbors feared their great might and learning. This great wealth and learning did not trickle down to the Blues, however,

One of these Blues, a young man we can call “Fred” — old names from far away are hard to pronounce, don’t you think? — who by a stroke of good fortune found himself adopted by a rich and powerful Green family. His face and color was not quite as blue as other Blues, and he could successfully pass as a bluish Green.