Recently, we had all the Manasclerk Company folks’ CVs/resumes redone by a professional writer. Yes, I am well aware of the irony that a group of people who have all been paid to write had to hire someone else to write consulting bios. But that’s the way it is: a good writer seems to be flummoxed at his own tooting. …
Top Reasons Why Your Resume Says “Career stalled”
Have you ever considered that your career path is a lot like a movie? Film scholar Chris Simmons, a colleague of mine, lectured once on the massive blockbuster, Titanic. He showed how everything in its visual language spoonfed what the director wanted you to see, know and feel. The director made deliberate choices to make it easy for us as …
The Most Important Piece of Your Job Hunt
Don’t Send a Resume says everything that any jobhunter is used to hearing: You gotta sell Treat yourself like a product Market yourself Etc. I can’t say that I disagree with anything Fox says in this short tome, but he leaves out the most important thing for me: You can’t be someone that you aren’t.