What does a great workplace look like? Walter Ulmer took a stab at defining it over 25 years ago. He saw that there was a big difference between regular teams and high performance teams, one where everyone took it to the next level. And what is the essence of a “supportive” climate that promotes esprit and gives birth to “high …
Employees Who Aren’t Team Players Make The Team Perform Better, But Like It Less
Teams need oddballs to help them make the best decisions. So being a team player is not necessarily a good thing, since a whole team of team players will lead to poorer decision making. Summary of recent research.
Vaill on High-performing Systems
A second kind of evidence to suggest that the evolving success of the system has a powerful developmental effect on the leadership comes from the way members of high-performing systems talk about the early formative period of the system. There are consistent statements such as, “We had no idea things would turn out like this”; “In the early years, we …