For those who are interested in RO but know little, here is a great introductory course led by Glenn Mehltretter and Michelle Carter of PeopleFit. I’ve gone to one of their classes before and it was one of the best training classes I’ve ever attended. It even rivaled my own, which is high praise coming from such a fathead as myself.
“Diagnosing Root Causes of Dysfunction Using a Requisite Organization Model” or “I’m OK; You’re OK; Let’s Fix the System”
The session will be on April 8, 9:00AM – 4:00PM at the Capital City Club in Raleigh, North Carolina (USA). You can enroll by seeing the PeopleFit website, or by clicking one of Michelle’s comments (which will bring up her email address through the handy Movable Type redirect).
PeopleFit describes the course as:
Our 1-day RO introduction workshop is designed to allow participants to make their own discoveries and draw their own conclusions without pressure or criticism.
Process: The workshop begins with participants working in small groups to diagnose the root cause of common organizational problems using their current frames of reference:
- a new manager can’t get away from hands-on (aka micromanagement)
- an old dog can’t/won’t learn new tricks
- a young go-getter clashes with her older female manager
- a graduate of an internal manager trainee program is failing at her first management job
We then introduce RO concepts and theories in small chunks followed by ample discussion and exercises.
At the end of the workshop, participants are invited to put on their “RO glasses” and revisit the issues they diagnosed earlier in the day. They then draw their own conclusions about whether an RO perspective has given them greater insight into the actual root cause of the problem.
Class enrollment is always very limited, so if you are interested take a look. Again, I recommend their classes, not just because the Capital City Club in Raleigh is so pleasant. Rather decent view of Raleigh, from up there, though.
And if they would give me a banner ad, I would put it over in the sidebar, too.
To be clear: I do not get any kickbacks or payments from PeopleFit for pushing their class. I know them and like their work. They are probably the best from whom to learn commercial-grade RO practice.