Complexity of Mental Processing (CMP) is significant not only in its relationship with designing requisite organizations and optimizing managerial hierarchy. Would you like your portfolio manager to be Level 1 or Level 8?
Complexity of Mental Processing (CMP) is significant not only in its relationship with designing requisite organizations and optimizing managerial hierarchy. Would you like your portfolio manager to be Level 1 or Level 8?
Comments 1
Nicely done. I have heard that a very successful investments firm in one of the Nordic countries goes out of their way to look for managers who are just this side of better than the market. Apparently, the ones who really beat the market tend to dive later. The ones who just barely beat the market seem to sense the next move right before it happens. Over the long run, it is more profitable to hire the person who always beats the market, if only by 1%, than someone who once beat it by 20.