I don’t think that I am going out on a limb when I say that short time horizons of project managers, sponsors and planners is the leading cause to the disastrous failure rate of IT projects… As Michelle says, “you want a consultant whose current capability at least equals that called for by the entire project, not just the time span of the planning phase.””
Building Architecture is a Lousy Metaphor for Software Development: We Need a New One
I think that using Construction as a metaphor has run its course of usefulness. It’s time to get another one.
Measuring Software Project Size
I’ve mentioned articles by Phillip Armour of Corvus International (Deer Park, IL) before: he writes a regular feature in Communications of the ACM called “The Business of Software” and normally features some of the tougher, management-oriented problems of development. This month he tackles how software is measured and points out the ridiculous use of “Lines of Code” or LOC. (Of …
Using Middleware to Not Replace Systems
There have been a spat of IT articles in HBR in the past couple of years, showing that IT has finally made it from the weirdo to the standard practice status. “Getting IT Right” seems to follow from “The REAL New Economy” and “IT Doesn’t Matter”. Charlie S. Feld and Donna B. Stoddard make an argument for “three interdependent, interrelated, …
“database quality has improved little in 11 years…”
For the past eleven years, Blaha and his associates have been reverse engineering software for evaluating products. He came up with some terrifying results.
Risk Taking, Risk Management and Software Project Management
Since IT projects are particularly prone to ignoring risk and escalation of commitment, reviewing some of the research on how we make decisions will benefit any IT manager or PM.
Succeeding at Software Projects
Software projects are almost always late and underdone. Most executives take it for granted nowadays that developers will turn in something other than what was requested for more than was announced. They even admit that this is one of the biggest reasons that they outsource, because the contracts with outsourcers force the organization to develop software in a rational way. …
Project Management Methodologists vs. Theorists
Project management in software is hard for a variety of reasons. In the December 3, 2003 edition of the Application Developer Management e-newsletter, Scott Withrow tackled “Selecting a Project Manager”. While he is speaking of specifically ones for software development projects, his thoughts could represent the thinking of a range of business functions. Unfortunately, he gets a couple of points …
“CRM applications . . . yield mostly poor results.”
Again and again we see that customers want trust and trust comes from a relationship with an individual, which then accrues to the corporation.
Why Information Technology & Software Projects Fail, part 2
I wanted to make an addendum to Why IT Projects Fail, part 1, which contains the bulk. Here are a few more reasons for further development. Risk management is not part of our vocabulary. We want people who are optimistic, not trying to find reasons why something will fail. IT does not understand that the change that they are introducing …