The GO Society has quietly put up the Exploration in Management training films. These films, produced for the Glacier Institute of Management and narrated by Lord Wilfred Brown, the retired Managing Director of Glacier Metal Company and Prochancellor of Brunel University, show how the radical ideas Brown developed with Dr. Jaques work from a manager’s point of view.
I’m glad that these are finally available online.
On the Wilfred Brown page, click the “Articles” tab. The videos are listed. Oddly, they do not seem to appear in the “Videos” section from the menu on the top of the page. Or start with “Exlporation in Management – Part 1 – Basic Thinking”.
Note: you may have to register for the site, which I recommend doing anyway. They have some fabulous resources available. Plus you can see a picture of me that makes me look like I’m in high school.