Most of us only remember about 20% of what we hear, we’re told. While we may think that our children have perfected this selective filter of “in one ear and out the other”, in fact most of us do not really take in much of what goes in. Some of this is the reality that you cannot process everything: if …
Risky Monocultures: In Agriculture or IT Systems, It’s Bad Risk Taking
You wouldn’t think that books discussing agronomics would have much to say relevant to Organizational Structure, IT Management or Knowledge Management. You’d be wrong, of course, but you can see how people would think that. I’d like to show how some of the ideas being debated in the agricultural industry’s fringes can illuminate our own issues. James C. Scott, in …
Do Best Practices Destroy Long Term Value in Knowledge Management & Process Design?
Jack Vinson has an interesting report on a recent presentation by Bob Hiebeler of St. Charles Partners. The fascinating part was the discussion of “best practices”: it got me thinking about James C. Scott’s Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed (The Institution for Social and Policy St) and what it implies for …
It All Comes Together
Mètis — “practical intelligence, using conjectural and oblique knowledge, which anticipates, modifies and influences the fate of events in adversity and ambiguity” according to Baumbard — has reminded me of something that I read some time back. This led me to see some connections between knowledge management, Elliott Jaques’s Requisite Organization and wisdom. (And thanks to jmmj for conversation on …
Software Requirements and Knowledge
The big “Aha!” for me was the these are all tied together.
“CRM applications . . . yield mostly poor results.”
Again and again we see that customers want trust and trust comes from a relationship with an individual, which then accrues to the corporation.
Do You Know the Brokers In Your Company’s Knowledge Marketplace?
Information brokers can successfully circumvent a knowledge hoarding culture by finding non-hoarders and in my experience, usually do.
“Facilitating Tacit Knowledge Exchange” but nothing beats personal contact
They were more likely to provide their tacit knowledge over chat when I had shown a personal interest.
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