Flattery really does work and it works in real life and not just for politically savvy types. We’ve seen that flattery works, that flattery has no upper limit and works even when they know you have an ulterior motive, and that the people who poo-poo flattery as only useful for the politically savvy are full of it. I told you …
Flattery Only Works For the Politically Savvy, Which Is All of Us: Flatter 4 Success, Part 3
I’ve been telling you this week that flattery works, and that it’s not just researchers who believe that flattery apparently has no real upper limit. Most of you haven’t really believed this and you’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop. So here’s those caveats I’ve been talking about:
Flattery Will Get You Everywhere: Flatter 4 Success, Part 2
I know that flattery doesn’t work on you, as you some of the world’s more intelligent people who see right through such things. But the rest of the world isn’t as savvy as you. You can get much more and be seen as much more effective at work by simply flattering your boss. Yesterday we saw how Prof Chatman’s unpublished …
Be a Suck-Up at Work and Get Ahead: It’s Flattery Science!
You’re a smart person with great ideas. Other people may not see this but I do. It’s because of this that I want to tell you about a key way to get your boss to like you. Because a boss who likes you will give you better assignments, more time off, and better pay. Even for the same performance. It …