Do internal hires or external hires make better employees? Who gets paid more?
Today’s Job Market: The Unemployed Stay Unemployed
People make the mistake of assuming that the job market for them is the same as it is for everyone else. In today’s financial crisis influenced hiring, that’s simply not true. Steve Eddington has some interesting comments on today’s job market (“The Hiring Decision – In the Current Job Market, Who’s on First?”): As the headhunter, we have the distinct …
Get or Keep that Job You’re Over-Qualified For
Let’s take another gander at how a hidden high potential can either get or stay in a that low-level job. It’s counter to prevailing advice you get, so you may want to pay attention. Before I start, I have to emphasize that I’m only talking about Hidden High Potentials (HHPs) and not Normal People. Normals give HHPs advice which is …
CR on the Duration of Unemployment
Calculated Risk has posted a couple of interesting graphs showing the variance in the lengths of unemployment over the last 40 years (U.S. only). It’s what I’ve been saying: you don’t want to go unemployed these days because those without jobs aren’t going to get new ones. CR’s points are worth noting: … if the level of normal turnover was …
NY Times on Unscrupulous Job Search Firms
Article in NY Times about how job search firms can rip you off.
US Jobless Rates Still Increasing
For my American readers, you may be interested in a recent post on CalculatedRisk where CR graphs the recent BLS data on unemployment. The interesting things for you are the positive states: North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska and Virginia. And possibly Vermont. Oklahoma looks pretty good to me too, having just talked to my old friends in Michigan. Another interesting …
Depressed About Work? Positivity May Not Work
Job hunters often get depressed from their hunt, and it’s probably even worse in a stagnant, depressed economy like we’re in today. One of the coping techniques that misguided but well-meaning people teach them is to use Positive Thinking. People regularly use these techniques and believe strongly that they are effective.
Nice, except that it will often backfire. [more]
Thems That Got Jobs Will Get More; Thems That Don’t Will Lose
People with jobs are actually earning more. They are also much less likely to get fired than they were before. However, those without jobs are likely to be without for a very long time. No jobs are being created, and the usual pipelines are clogged with people all trying to use them to find jobs that just aren’t there. READ MORE….
Imitate Your Interviewer To Get The Job
Are you going to a job interview sometimes soon? Have a meeting with a prospective client? The other person will like you more and think the meeting went more smoothly if you subtly mimic their body language. This has long been a part of the salesman’s Influence bag, of course, and is even a goodly part of the original neuro-linguistic …
Two Actions You Must Take to Match Your Resume to Your LinkedIn Profile
Your LinkedIn profile must match your CV / resume, according to recruiters who check.
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