Why You Hate Your Church. Sunday, 2009 April 19 at 8pm CDT / Chicago time A good percentage of readers of Requisite Writing are Christians of one sort of another, and a common complaint from them has been about how they feel alienated at church like the feel alienated at work. “It’s all well and good to say ‘find somewhere …
Latest Newsletter Now Out
The latest Secret Rules of Career Success newsletter is out. (Egyptian Dreams edition.) I’ve added a podcast version for subscribers to download and listen to. This is especially handy for commuters. If you haven’t gotten your copy yet, check your spam folder. Thanks to Jim Krajewski of Echo Software — and my old comrade-in-arms in designing information security solutions for …
Welcome, Mr. President
Today Mr. Obama was sworn in as the President of the United States of America. It’s a rough time by anyone’s measure. Tt’s going to be an even harder job than it is usually (and it’s usually a tough roe to hoe). It’s a historic point in American history that Robert Kennedy got right on: forty years on and here …
Michael Bates, a Commenter, Sued for Libel… By a Newspaper!
Michael Bates is a sometimes commenter here, a software developer, ex-candidate for office, radio personality, blogger, amigo and columnist for the Urban Tulsa Weekly. And he’s being sued for libel, along with the weekly and its owner, by the Tulsa’s daily newspaper, Tulsa World. Again, he’s being sued for libel by a newspaper. As someone has said, on the face …
Happy New Year!
I hope that y’all who have been celebrating holidays have been having a great time. We’ve been sidelined here with the Xmas Plague (motto: “Pass it on!”) so I’m not going to post again until the new year. Best wishes for a prospering 2009.
Feeds Corrected
There has been a problem with the feeds for some users. This has hopefully been corrected. The new feeds all go through Feedburner.com so that I can supply the best feed for your needs. If you read Requisite Writing, The Secret Rules Blog in a newsreader, let me know if you’ve got new problems. For some of the rest of …
Secret Rules of Career Success seminar series
For the past few weeks I’ve been telling you that I am developing a new program to help Hidden High Potentials discover who they are and find fulfilling work and lives. I’m proud to announce the first part of that program, The Secret Rules for Career Success. Because you are reading Requisite Writings right now, I want to give you …
New Podcast Series: A Conversation with Luc Hoebeke
Announcing a new podcast series from my interview with Luc Hoebeke outside of Leuven in spring 2007.
New MacUpdate Promo Bundle
Since I got so much grief from some of y’all for failing to mention the last one, here’s the news: a brand new MacUpdate Promo bundle is available. You get some great apps, plus the chance that they will unlock SoundStudio (probable), BannerZest (likely), and Parallels Desktop (possible but don’t hold your breath), all for US$64.99. In my opinion, the …
Notice: New Boss, Same As The Old Boss…
Warren Kinston needed to take the company in a direction that, at least for the next year or so, would preclude the work I had joined with him to do. We have therefore parted ways, and I wish him the best in getting his taxonomy into online products. Any questions about the future of the taxonomy should be directed to …